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Welcome to The Bridge , the newsletter of the Office of Global Engagement.

The motto of our office is Faciamus cum sociis pontes , "Let us build bridges with our partners." We hope you will begin to partner with us by subscribing.


Updates from Global Engagement

The Global Engagement Map

The Boston College Global Engagement Map 对于任何寻求与世界各地的合作伙伴接触机会的人来说,这是一个有用的资源吗. Explore the map and find out more!

New Members in the Office of Global Engagement


Vaughn Thornton

Programs & Outreach Specialist

“我很高兴来到一所为学生提供如此多与世界接触机会的大学. Studying abroad as a student in Spain and the U.K., 然后在印度尼西亚担任和平队志愿者,让我看到了家乡底特律以外的一个截然不同的世界, MI. I look forward to continuously engaging with faculty, staff, and students here at BC and with our greater global community"

Rowan Mayback

Applications & Technology Specialist

“我很高兴能成为一个促进全球公民和责任发展的社区的一员. 当我在韩国首尔留学时,我开始了自己的世界公民之旅. 这段经历改变了我,培养了我对国际高等教育的热情. 我期待着与我们的BC社区合作,继续促进全球伙伴关系,为学生提供出国留学的机会."

Global Scholars Lecture Series


There will be seven Global Scholars Lectures this spring.

Visit the link to learn more and register for the events.

Happy Lunar New Year!

To celebrate Lunar New Year, the Asian Caucus, Chinese Students Association, Korean Students Association, Taiwanese Cultural Organization, 越南学生会将展示各国的年货, games, and opportunities to make New Year’s decorations. 这次活动在麦克马伦艺术博物馆免费向公众开放.

International Higher Education Webinars


加入电子游戏软件国际高等教育中心参加本学期的第一个网络研讨会. 本次网络研讨会将于美国东部时间2月15日星期二上午10:00 - 11:00举行. Further details will become available at the link below:

还将有机会亲自观看中国高等教育学院的访问学者, Professor Marcelo Knobel, give a talk on February 9, 2022年美国东部时间下午5:00在林奇教育学院冠军大厅139室举行. Register and learn more below:

Poster for Vistiting Scholar Speaker Series Higher Education, Science, and Technology in Brazil: Updates from a country in survival mode, Dr.Marcelo Knobel

BC Hockey in the Winter Olympics

Boston College senior forward Marc McLaughlin, of North Billerica, MA and junior defenseman Drew Helleson, of Farmington, MN已被选为2022年美国男子冬季曲棍球奥运会代表队, becoming the 26th and 27th U.S. Olympians in the program's history.


2022年冬奥会还将包括2016年亚历克斯·卡彭特第二次参加奥运会, 她参加了2014年冬奥会,并获得了一枚银牌. 卡彭特在电子游戏软件(Boston College)打球时获得了2015年帕蒂·卡兹迈尔奖(Patty Kazmaier Award),并参加了七次国际冰球联合会女子世界锦标赛. 

Hockey pucks

What I've Learned

Image of Kwasi Sarkodie-Mensah 

受人爱戴的BC图书管理员兼兼职教授夸西·萨科齐-门萨最近在《电子游戏软件》上发表的一篇文章中受到了关注 Boston College Magazine .


作为波士顿大学图书馆过去三十年的教学服务经理, he’s taught generations of Eagles how to conduct research. He advocates for patience and asking questions. 图书馆资源是一个寻找这些问题答案的机会. 萨科奇迪-门萨还发表了关于图书馆如何支持国际学生和成人学生的电子游戏正规平台报告, served as a court interpreter, 并启动了波士顿大学-埃济苏计算机扫盲营志愿者项目. Read more from this scholar below:

Raising the Bar

金伯利·艾迪生' 12和她的妹妹普莉希拉庆祝他们的加纳遗产通过加纳为基础的巧克力业务, ’57 Chocolate, named for the year Ghana achieved independence from Britain.


“There’s still this stigma, even here in Ghana, that ‘Made in Africa’ goods are of lesser quality,” Addison said. “We want to shift that narrative.”


To learn more, read the Boston College Magazine article here:

Kimberly and Priscilla eating chocolate


Our Dreams Jesuit Film Contest

The International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU), in collaboration with the Jesuit General Curia in Rome, launches the Four Dreams Jesuit Film Contest , 为全球耶稣会大学的学生提供了一个用他们的创造力启发世界的机会, skills, and production talents.

学生报名将于3月1日截止,所有影片必须在2022年5月1日前提交. 有关提交和主题的信息可在链接按钮获得.


Winning films will be presented to Fr. 2022年8月3日,Arturo Sosa将军和耶稣会大学的领导们在电子游戏软件举行的IAJU大会上.

From the Pope to a Flat White

麦克马伦博物馆欢迎电子游戏软件爱尔兰电子游戏正规平台教授马乔里·豪斯, Vera Kreilkamp, 和约瑟夫·纽金特一起介绍马丁·帕尔的爱尔兰照片,这些照片构成了本次展览的核心, Martin Parr: Time and Place.

Join February 28 at 5:30 for this virtual event. More Information:

Rewinding Planet Earth

As part of Environmental Studies’ Rewilding Planet Earth Series, Gopal Patel将在2月8日的小组讨论会上发表主题演讲. 本次活动由全球参与办公室和耶稣会学院共同主办. 


Gopal D. 帕特尔是一位有信仰的环保活动家、活动家和顾问. 十多年来,他一直是印度宗教团体和领袖参与的环境倡议的先驱, East Africa, Europe and North America. Please join us for a panel at 12:00pm, Interfaith perspective 下午4:30有一个讲座:信仰、生物多样性和生态系统恢复. Event details will become available on the website soon.

Per una finanza più responsabile

Rui Albuquerque headshot

This article by Rui Albuquerque, 卡罗尔管理学院塞德纳家族电子游戏正规平台员和教授. Per una finanza più responsabile was recently published by the Vatican Press. Please view it below.

International Assemblies

电子游戏软件很高兴欢迎来自世界各地的同事和贵宾,因为它将在2022年夏天举办重要的国际会议. 国际天主教大学联合会和国际耶稣会大学协会以及国际耶稣会工程学院协会将于今年夏天进驻校园.


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